For Immediate Release July 6, 2013-8:00 am Fire Information 928-718-2412 or 928-718-2413 Facebook: // Twitter: @DeanPeakFire Flickr: Dean Peak Fire Dean Peak Fire Containment Increases Acres: 5,300 Start date: June 29, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Cause: Lightning Location: 10 miles southeast of Kingman, AZ Containment: 37% percent Fuels: Pinyon, juniper, Ponderosa pine Terrain: Steep, rugged Resources: 4 helicopters, 7 hotshot crews, 4 hand Total Personnel: 473 crews, 16 engines, 13 water tenders KINGMAN, AZ – Firefighters continue to make progress in suppression of the Dean Peak Fire which is now at 37% containment. Despite very windy conditions, containment lines held and burnout operations were not necessary as previously thought in containing the fire close to the Getz Peak communication site. Containment line is complete in Wheeler Wash to the south and west of the fire and the fuel break on the north side of Pine Lake...