July 5, 2013-8:00 a.m. Fire Information 928-718-2412 or 928-718-2413 http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/3463 Facebook: www.facebook.com/DeanPeakFire Twitter: @DeanPeakFire Dean Peak Fire at 25% Containment Acres: 5,200 Start date: June 29, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. Cause: Lightning Location: 10 miles southeast of Kingman, AZ Containment: 25% percent Fuels: Pinyon, juniper, Ponderosa pine Terrain: Steep, rugged Resources: 4 helicopters, 7 hotshot crews, 4 hand Total Personnel: 461 crews, 16 engines, 13 water tenders KINGMAN, AZ – Firefighters made significant progress in suppressing the Dean Peak Fire which is now at 25% containment. Success is attributed in part to burnout operations that anchored into an existing fuel break established by the BLM approximately 10 years ago. The ongoing maintenance of this fuel break proved to be invaluable for fire crews to help keep the fire from reaching the Pinion Pine community. Crews on the Dean Peak Fire observed a moment of silence in remembrance of...